You could call me an artist. It's definitely an apt description of someone who has dabbled in about every medium known to mankind. You could call me a writer, because really that's what I do whenever I have a free moment. But I prefer the term "storysmith" - someone whose whole world is crafting wrought narratives, whatever form they might take.
Storysmithing is certainly the right word for what I've done with Stronger. From play to animated series to web comic, this story has been refabricated over and over again. But the message rings clear - the message that I seek to let shine through all my works: God's love is real and good, and it will always overcome.
I hope you've enjoyed the little slice of my soul that's known as Stronger! Don't forget to click around my site for more spoilers, and follow us all over social media for more! Go Beavs!
Musically and faithfully yours,
Annie M. Pasquinelli